Sunday, August 9, 2009

Startup Businesses to Consider in this Economy

The current economic conditions have caused entrepreneurs to approach start ups with a renewed perspective. Gone are the days of mom and pop style restaurants, used car dealerships and grocery stores. The most lucrative new businesses are vastly different from these popular favorites of old. These exciting start ups listed on this business directory offer the promise of financial gain, return on investment, and opportunities to grow by leaps and bounds.

E-Commerce – Retail With No Overhead Costs

Buying and selling goods online is one of the safest start up industries in the current economy. Online resources like Amazon, eBay, Tradeseam and Craigslist make it fast and easy to choose any product and sell it online. Some of these websites even enable users to list their business or product and services in a business directory or product catalog, track inventory, network with customers and do their taxes at the end of the year.
Whether you want to specialize in antique furniture or cell phones, e-commerce is among one of the leading business opportunities. One of the best benefits of this industry is that most people have the option to work from home. This saves on major overhead costs typically associated with retail selling, such as commercial rent, utilities, and labor expenses.

Healthcare – With No Medical Degree Required

The healthcare industry will never cease to grow and prosper. This does not mean you need to run out and apply to medical school. It does mean that there are many exciting complimentary business opportunites that you could pursue. Medical billing services are in high demand, as are medical transcription services, and home healthcare businesses. These are completely viable start up industries that you can easily learn how to master. Business industries related to the medical field are certain to grow and prosper because of the growing demand and they are recession-resistant.

Business Process Outsourcing - With Not Much Capital Needed

One of the most promising startup opportunities is business process outsourcing. Examples of business process outsourcing companies include call centers, answering services and payroll services. These types of businesses take on responsibilities for other prospering businesses. This means that you can capitalize on the earnings and success of others while providing valuable business services.

Business process outsourcing is unique because you can build and maintain relationships across a variety of industries. In an era where every business is looking for ways to streamline their costs, business process outsourcing is an industry high in demand.

Internet Marketing and Sales Lead Generation with Expertise

Internet Marketing is growing by leaps and bounds as far as start up industries are concerned. Individuals with expertise in all different fields are reaping rewards by sharing knowledge and skills with others. This is a very special industry that affords flexibility and freedom that is unparalleled. Working as a internet marketing consultant, search marketing consultant or web design consultant are just a few ways that you can get into one of this industry. There is even a demand for highly specialized consultants in areas like sales and business development to help companies generate qualified sales leads, business leads in this market.

Creating your business during tough economic times requires tact and diplomacy. Choosing the right business to begin with can alleviate a number of economic difficulties for aspiring entrepreneurs. Explore non-traditional start up industries for a more promising future during these difficult economic times.


  1. To start a new business during economic recession is no easy task, but there's still hope and chances in some of the hidden fields. You've shared some nice insights about the possibility of entrepreneurship during difficult times. I'm also a firm believer that there's a way no matter what.

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    Social/Blogging Tracker

  2. Marketing a product online via, eBay, etc. can be a great option but it does present two challenges:

    If you have a relatively generic product, e.g. handmade jewelry in the $10-$50 range, and you sell it online without any advertising beyond the broad pull of eBay, you've turned your product into a commodity. There are often hundreds, if not thousands, of competitors, which reduces the odds that customers will find you, and depresses the prices for everyone.

    Alternately, if you want to sustain the unique nature of your products, then you need to market your products and how to see and purchase them online aggressively, which means spending money on advertising. There are ways to get the word out with little or no conventional advertising, but there's still time and money involved.
